Here is the list of project milestones from SFMTA: Get Recent Updates Here
November 2008: Record of Decision (PDF) awarded by the FTA
January 2009: Right-of-way, property and easement acquisition process commences
May 2009: Completion of the Preliminary Engineering Report
February 2010: Groundbreaking of Utility Relocation for the future Moscone Station and Portal Tunnel
May 2010: California Transportation Commission awards the Central Subway Project $27 million for high-speed rail connectivity
December 2010: Board of Supervisors approves Housing Relocation Plan for Chinatown residents and businesses
January 2011: Utility Relocation Contract for Union Square/Market Street Station (Contract No. 1251) awarded to Synergy Project Management, Inc.
June 2011: Tunneling contract (Contract No. 1252) awarded to Barnard Impregilo Healy Joint Venture
September 2011: Full Funding Grant Agreement application submitted to the FTA
April 2012: TBM Launch Box construction begins on 4th between Harrison and Bryant
October 2012: Full-Funding Grant Agreement, approval to award Federal New Starts funds toward Central Subway Project construction, approved
March 2013: San Francisco Board of Supervisors approve Pagoda Palace site for TBM removal location
April 2013: The first piece of TBM Mom Chung arrives at the Launch Box work site May 2013: SFMTA awards contract 1300 to Tutor Perini, which includes all four stations, surface tracks, and systems
July 2013: TBM Mom Chung launches, beginning tunnel construction beneath SF
August 2013: Demolition of the Pagoda Palace Theater in North Beach begins
September 2013: Construction begins on stations, surface tracks, and systems November 2013: TBM Big Alma launches, commencing construction of the second Central Subway tunnel
June 2014: Both TBMs break through into the North Beach Retrieval Shaft, completing tunnel boring operations
November 2014: The first annual Winter Walk opens along Stockton Street in Union Square January 2015: Both Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) disassembled and removed through North Beach Retrieval Shaft site, and Retrieval Shaft site restored and vacated
November 2015: Installation of new track interchange at 4th and King completed, laying groundwork for 4th Street surface tracks
November 2015: The second annual Winter Walk opens along Stockton Street in Union Square
November 2016: The third annual Winter Walk opens along Stockton Street in Union Square
April 2017: Yerba Buena/Moscone Station "bottoms out," effectively ending major excavation at the site and pivoting work toward interior construction
August 2017: Union Square/Market Street Station "bottoms out," effectively ending major excavation at the site and pivoting work toward interior construction